Animal Totem | Swamp Mollusk |
Cartoon Profile | Darkstorm is the leader of the Darkling Lords, cunning, merciless and cruel he cares for no-one but himself. Darkstorm lives in his own castle and has vast collections of paintings, antiques and armour, as well as various torture devices. |
Colour | Green and blue with brown hair and pale skin |
Comic Profile | Darkstorm is the leader of the Darkling Lords and lives within his castle. He is after one thing, power, and will not stop short of anything to get it. |
From | Unknown |
Magical Item | Staff |
Magical Rhyme | By what creeps, what crawls, by what does not, let all that grows recede and rot! Power of rot, obscuring truth, what once was old, restore to youth! |
Magical Totem | Griffin |
Occupation | Leader of the Darkling Lords |
Offical Pantones | PMS312, PMS330, PMS395, PMS874 |
Power | Decay |
Toy Profile (English) | This diabolical, corrupt lord of evil is committed to imprisioning the magic of the Spectral Knights' for all eternity! PERSONALITY... represented by a swamp mollusk, depicting his slimey insensitivity toward all that is good! During battle MAGICAL POWER... Darkstorm summons his magical power of decay to corrode and eat away at Spectral Knight armour. |
Toy Profile (French Canadian) | Darkstorm ... ce maitre du mal diabolique et corrompu s'engage a emprisonner la magie des Chevalier Fantomes pour l'eternite! Personnalite mystique.. un Mollusqur Des Marais representant son insensibilite visqueuse envers tout ce qui est bon! Totem Magique... au combat, Darkstorm fait appel a son pouvoir magique de Degenerescence pour corroder et ronger les armures de Chevaliers Fantomes! |
Voice Actor | Chris Latta |
Voice Actor (French) | Gerard Dessalles (1st), Michel Barbey (2nd), Sady Rebbott (3rd) |
Weapon | Twin Bladed Hand Axe |
Magical Rhyme: "By what creeps, what crawls, by what does not, let all that grows recede and rot! / Power of rot, obscuring truth, what once was old restore to youth!"
Faction: Darkling Lords
Series: Series 1
Released: 1987
Totem: Swamp Mollusk
Magical Power: Decay
Magical Totem: Gargoyle
Magical Device: Power Staff
Hand-To-Hand Weapon: Twin Bladed Hand Axe
Primary Colour: Dark Green
Secondary Colour: Light Blue
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