Character Information

Animal Totem Gizzly Bear
Cartoon Profile Cryotek is the eldest of the Spectral Knights and starts a relationship with Galadria, the only female member of the Spectral Knights. He is the strongest of the Spectral Knights and tends to give all the toasts during celebrations.
Colour Red and Blue, pale skin brown hair
Comic Profile Cryotek is the eldest of the Spectral Knights and has strong feelings for Galadria, though he is too scared to share them. He is also the first to notice a change in his personality, with his animal persona, the bear, seemingly taking more control, leading him to loose control. Cryotek has a temper and loves a fight but has a softer side. He is also quiet a good cook
From Northalia 
Magical Item Staff
Magical Rhyme Three suns aligned, pour forth their light, and fill the archer's bow with might!
Magical Totem Archer
Occupation Spectral Knight
Offical Pantones PMS156, PMS300, PMS395, PMS485, PMS877
Power Strength
Toy Profile (English) Cryotek... a self-sacrificing warrior who'll charge blindly into battle without a thought for his own safety!
Mystical Personallity... the BEAR, symbolizing an imposing mass of sheer brawn and muscle!
Magical Totem... Cryotek utilises his special power of STRENGTH to single-handedly tear down the Darkling Lords' defenses!
Toy Profile (French Canadian) Force Trois soleils en ligne rayonnent de mile feux et saturent l'arme de l'archer de lumiére!
Cryotek... um guerrier dévoué qui se lance aveuglément dans la bataille sans penser á sa propre sécurité!
Personnalité Mystique... L'OURS, symbolisant une masse imposante de force et de muscle bruts!
Totem Magique... Cryotek se sert de son pouvoir spécial, la FORCE, pour abattre á lui seul, les défenses des Lords des Ténébres!
Voice Actor Bernard Erhard
Voice Actor (French) Eric Legrand
Weapon Triple-Headed Mace

Profile Card

Magical Rhyme: "Three suns aligned, pour fourth their light and fill the archer's bow with might!""

Faction: Spectral Knights
Series: Series 1
Released: 1987
Totem: Bear
Magical Power: Strength
Magical Totem: The Archer
Magical Device: Power Staff
Hand-To-Hand Weapon: Triple Headed Mace
Primary Colour: Red
Secondary Colour: Light Blue

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